Supporting the Community

Weldco is committed to supporting the community by partnering with a variety of charitable organizations across North America.  Our campaigns are aimed at bringing people together to make a lasting impact, socially, environmentally, and economically in the communities we serve.

Supporting the Community

A few of the recent Weldco campaigns include the United Way, YMCA, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada, Cystic Fibrosis Canada, CURE Foundation, Prostate Cancer Canada, The Children’s Aid Society, The Food Bank, and The Terry Fox Foundation.

With each campaign, we are blown away by the generosity of our employees. We also encourage and are proud of the many humanitarian endeavours that Weldco employees overtake in their personal lives.  It truly is humbling to work with so many philanthropists.

As per our company values, we will be recognized for the significant difference we make for the people in our communities as well as the lightness of the footprint we leave on the environment.

See Weldco’s Giving Guidelines for more information.